Online ADHD Treatment in Florida

Discover the convenience of online consultations for ADHD diagnosis and treatment in Florida. Consult qualified medical providers and receive mental health care from the comfort of your home.

Why Choose MEDvidi?

Personalized treatment plans

Florida-licensed ADHD specialists

Easy scheduling via Personal Portal

Online prescriptions and refills

Flexible time slots, including evenings and weekends

MEDvidi vs. Offline Clinics

MEDvidi Traditional Clinics
Cost of an initial visit $195 $400-500
Booking and rescheduling visits online yes no
Saving time on travel yes no
Video appointments from home or any location yes no
Online prescriptions sent to your local pharmacy yes no
Online prescription refills and treatment adjustments yes no
Fast and sympathetic support from the Care Team yes no
Over 60 providers specializing in mental health yes no

No subscriptions or extra fees! Pay for one visit at a time. 

Initial appointment



From $159

Meet Our Medical Team

Medical experts at MEDvidi are committed to assisting you in managing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Three Steps to ADHD Treatment in Florida

Initial assessment

Have a video appointment with a healthcare provider. Get your symptoms assessed for an accurate diagnosis.

Developing a treatment plan

Receive a personalized plan, including medication, psychotherapy, or their combination.

Ongoing support

See your provider regularly to evaluate your progress and adjust your treatment if needed.

Get help for ADHD from qualified healthcare providers who care about your well-being

Personal Portal: Everything You Need in One Place

Getting Diagnosed With ADHD in Florida

ADHD in adults may involve difficulty focusing, forgetfulness, and disorganization. However, only a medical provider can assess all the diagnostic criteria and make a diagnosis.
Collecting information about your attention level and behavior patterns. Clinicians use the criteria for ADHD outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Medical history

This includes examining the history of medical conditions, medication history, and any comorbid conditions. It helps to note and address the factors that may be contributing to ADHD or impact the treatment process.

Medical interventions

Sometimes, you may be asked to take medical tests or see other healthcare professionals, such as a neurologist.

Common Symptoms of Adult ADHD

Predominantly inattentive ADHD

Predominantly hyperactive ADHD

  • Being easily distracted
  • Frequently making mistakes
  • Inability to stay focused and concentrated
  • Issues with organization and time management
  • Lack of attention to everyday obligations and responsibilities
  • Constantly misplacing things, such as keys or phones
  • Trouble following directions or completing duties
  • Avoiding activities that need prolonged mental effort
  • Constant fidgeting
  • Impulsivity, frequently behaving without thinking
  • Difficulty sitting still for a long time period
  • Inability to carry out routine tasks
  • Talking too much and disrupting others
  • Trouble waiting for one’s turn
  • Being intrusive in activities or interactions

Untreated ADHD in adults can impact work, relationships, and other areas. You may struggle with time management issues, procrastination, and distractibility that affect your overall quality of life.

Get assessed by a licensed provider and receive an ADHD diagnosis in Florida online.

Your Unique Treatment Plan

We know how to adjust standard ADHD treatment guidelines to your individual needs.

Medication management

Stimulant and non-stimulant medications help reduce the symptoms of ADHD.


Behavioral therapy or counseling can reinforce positive behaviors and help to develop coping skills.

Lifestyle changes

Regular exercise, a well-rounded diet, and organized schedules can help manage ADHD.

Online Prescription Management for ADHD

Medications are often the first-line treatment for ADHD. They help reduce the most disturbing symptoms, paving the path to effective therapy.

Commonly Prescribed ADHD Medications


  • Most commonly prescribed for ADHD.
  • Improve focus and attention by increasing the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain.
  • Should be used under medical supervision to monitor effectiveness and potential side effects.


  • An alternative for those who do not respond well to stimulants.
  • Reduce impulsivity and improve focus and mood by stimulating the prefrontal cortex.
  • Adderall (amphetamine)
  • Ritalin (methylphenidate)
  • Most commonly prescribed for ADHD.
  • Improve focus and attention by increasing the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain.
  • Should be used under medical supervision to monitor effectiveness and potential side effects.
  • Strattera (atomoxetine)
  • Intuniv (guanfacine)
  • An alternative for those who do not respond well to stimulants.
  • Reduce impulsivity and improve focus and mood by stimulating the prefrontal cortex.
Learn more about whether you need pharmacological treatment and what ADHD medication can help you.

Over 48.000 People Are Much Happier Today

Here’s what they have shared.

Co-existing Conditions

Mental health is a complex system, and attention deficit disorder may coexist with other conditions. A correct diagnosis and comprehensive treatment can help address them.



Anxiety disorders


Bipolar disorder

Personality disorders

We Provide Online Anxiety Treatment in:







St. Petersburg

…and other cities across the state.

Contact us for a detailed mental health assessment and affordable ADHD treatment.
Telehealth is a viable option for diagnosing and treating ADHD in adults. Virtual ADHD treatment conducted by a licensed medical professional can be as effective as in-person consultations in most cases. All mental health specialists adhere to the same medical standards for treating ADHD, whether they see patients in traditional clinics or online.
ADHD medication may be prescribed via online healthcare services depending on state regulations, healthcare professionals’ credentials, and individual circumstances. MEDvidi is a trustworthy telehealth platform where healthcare providers are certified to prescribe ADHD medication online in Florida and other states. Remember that only a healthcare provider can determine whether you need ADHD medications or if other treatment approaches are necessary.

Psychiatrists, medical doctors, advanced registered nurse practitioners, and physician assistants with appropriate credentials can prescribe ADHD medication. Healthcare professionals at MEDvidi are certified to prescribe stimulants and non-stimulants online.

In April 2022, Florida updated its telemedicine law to allow telehealth providers to prescribe controlled substances with several restrictions for Schedule II medications. However, prescribing Schedule II medicines for treating psychiatric disorders is one of the exceptions, so your online healthcare provider can write a prescription using telehealth. Note that the decision on prescribing medication depends on your symptoms, the results of your mental health assessment, and other criteria for pharmacological treatment, so in some cases, patients may be referred to in-person appointments to receive a prescription for ADHD medication.

Currently, our healthcare providers are licensed to offer online ADHD management to residents of Arizona (AZ), California (CA), Colorado (CO), Florida (FL), Illinois (IL), Indiana (IN), New York (NY), North Carolina (NC), Ohio (OH), Pennsylvania (PA), Texas (TX), Virginia (VA), Wisconsin (WI).

Are you ready to take control of your ADHD?

Embrace a life with improved focus, productivity, and well-being. Your journey to managing ADHD begins with one click, and we are here to support you every step of the way.