Home > Webinar > Self-love
Self-love isn't selfish, it's necessary

In today's society, we often hear the word "self-love" thrown around, but what does it really mean?
What were the talks
Meet the speakers
Just a girl who lost everything, through pain, trauma, and experiences. So I created the world I wanted for myself
by turning prose into healing, and words into stilts, and
in the silence I became a woman, author, poet, and friend. I am so proud of myself, and I hope you are too!
Now I hope to inspire people with my stories, poetry, and young-adult novels. Watch me rise as strong and as tall
as a sunflower. When I’m not immersed in writing, I enjoy traveling, listening to nostalgic classics, and retracing my steps as I wonder on this journey called life.
At MEDvidi, we’ve gathered experienced and open-minded professionals who help patients without any biases or judgment. Be it depression, anxiety disorders, insomnia, or any other illness, our doctors will make the right diagnosis and develop an efficient treatment plan.
We believe that quality mental health treatment is crucial and does prolong and improve people’s lives all over
the world. And we’ll do our best to make a bigger difference here.