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How to Get a Phentermine Prescription Online?

FDA approved
Discuss the pros and cons of weight loss medications like phentermine with a highly qualified clinician. Manage weight online under professional and caring guidance.
Written by:
Rabia Khaliq
MSc in Applied Psychology
Dr. Linda May
The medications listed on this website are provided for informational purposes only.
Their inclusion does not guarantee they will be prescribed to any individual, as treatment decisions are ultimately at the discretion of healthcare providers. Healthcare providers may prescribe other medications or recommend non-pharmacological treatment based on the patient’s unique health circumstances and needs. Read more
Phentermine is a controlled substance, which means that it has a high risk of misuse or dependence. Specific federal and state laws limit the amount of this medication that can be prescribed or dispensed within a certain period of time.


  • Phentermine (brand names Lomaira and Adipex-P) is a prescription medication for obesity treatment.
  • To get prescribed phentermine online, it’s necessary to see a licensed healthcare provider who can conduct a detailed health assessment and revise lab tests.
  • Phentermine has several contraindications, precautions, and side effects, which must be discussed before starting treatment. In some cases, a healthcare provider may choose an alternative solution for weight loss management.

Brand name: Adipex-P, Lomaira

Generic name: phentermine

Drug class: stimulant

Dosage forms: tablets, capsules

FDA-approved uses: treatment of obesity

Obesity is a growing problem, with more and more people struggling to maintain a healthy weight. A survey shows that the prevalence of obesity among US adults is 41.9% [1*] . It is a true epidemic. The consequences of obesity affect every part of a patient’s life and can contribute to serious and even life-threatening health problems.

Patients seeking medication to assist with their weight loss have various options available to them. With the rise of telemedicine and online pharmacies, it is possible to get prescribed phentermine for weight loss online. However, this medication has specific eligibility requirements, and your healthcare provider may choose an alternative. Let’s review the steps to take to get a phentermine prescription online: when it is prescribed and how to use it safely.

Start your weight loss journey with MEDvidi: consult with licensed healthcare providers online to see what treatment is right for you.

What Is Phentermine

Phentermine (phentermine hydrochloride) is a sympathomimetic amine. It works in multiple directions, mainly by increasing the concentration of specific chemicals in the brain. This reduces appetite—leading to healthy calorie restriction—and raises leptin levels, which boosts satiety. These effects can contribute to weight loss. 

One thing to remember is that phentermine can be only used short-term [2*] , typically no longer than 12 weeks. This means that its effects can serve as the foundation for weight management instead of being its primary cause. While having a suppressed appetite and better satiety, you can modify your eating habits and physical activity, which should continue after stopping the medication to achieve sustainable results.

“Patients must realize that to lose weight and keep it off they have to address some factors aside from using medications like phentermine. First, they need to make sure their body is healthy and able to lose weight: this can be done by getting a GME and lab work through their PCP. Second, they need to find their “inner drive”, for example, by making lists about why weight loss is important to them. Third, they need to set achievable weight loss goals and action goals. Finally, they need to take the time to create a tasty low-calorie diet and enjoy their food, as well as get active and maintain the new activity levels.”
Dr. Linda May, DO
Medical provider at MEDvidi

Do You Need a Prescription for Phentermine?

Yes, phentermine [3*] is a prescription-only medication, and you can buy and use it legally only if you have a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider. It works this way because the main component of phentermine is a Schedule IV [4*] controlled substance—it has the potential for severe side effects and addiction. Therefore, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and international regulatory bodies strictly monitor the distribution, sale, and possession of this medicine.

How to Get an Online Phentermine Prescription?

To get prescribed phentermine online at MEDvidi, you should take the following steps:

  1. Sign Up: Register an account, fill out necessary forms, and check out the prerequisites for weight loss consultations, such as specific lab tests.
  2. Book an Appointment: Schedule an online appointment with a healthcare provider experienced in weight loss management. They will assess your health status, BMI, medical history, the results of lab tests, and previous weight loss attempts to create a proper strategy. 
  3. Receive a Prescription: Following a comprehensive evaluation, your healthcare provider may prescribe you phentermine online. In this case, they will tell you how to use it, what its positive effects and potential side effects are, and share additional instructions. Afterward, they forward your prescription digitally to an authorized pharmacy.
  4. Get Ongoing Support: Plan follow-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor your response to phentermine, consult on possible side effects, get additional recommendations, and adjust your weight loss plan if needed.
Discuss the pros and cons of taking phentermine in your particular situation and receive an online prescription if deemed appropriate.

Note that booking an appointment doesn’t guarantee obtaining a prescription. The decision is at the discretion of your healthcare provider.

Who Can Prescribe Phentermine?

To get a prescription for phentermine, you have to first go through an assessment to check your eligibility criteria. Depending on the state, the list of healthcare providers who can conduct such assessments and prescribe phentermine may vary. Generally, they include the following:

  • Primary care physicians
  • Endocrinologists
  • Bariatricians
  • Psychiatrists
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Physician assistants

Eligibility Requirements for Phentermine

Phentermine is prescribed to patients with a particular BMI (body mass index [5*] ). BMI is calculated based on the person’s weight (kg) divided by the squared height (m).

  • A BMI of 30 and higher is considered obesity and qualifies a person for a phentermine prescription (unless there are contraindications).
  • A BMI of 27 falls under the “overweight” category. However, a person with a BMI of 27 or higher may also be prescribed phentermine if they have weight-related health conditions. These include, for example, diabetes and hypertension.

BMI is not the only factor: a healthcare provider also assesses general health history. This helps to identify any risk factors.

What to Ask a Doctor About Phentermine?

  • Can phentermine help me achieve my weight loss goal? How long can it take? What can influence the effectiveness of my weight loss process?
  • Should I go through additional tests and assessments to determine the cause of weight gain?
  • Can any medications I am taking or any underlying health conditions affect my weight or the course of weight loss?
  • What lifestyle changes can help me support the effects of phentermine?
  • What are the most common and rare side effects of this medication? Which of them go away on their own and which require medical attention?
  • What should I know about contraindications and precautions?
  • What other weight loss medications can I consider if this one isn’t working for me?

If you had previous attempts to lose weight, share this experience with your healthcare provider. Together, you will analyze what worked well for you and what didn’t bring the desired effects, what can be done differently this time, and other helpful details.

Side Effects

Common side effects of phentermine include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Restlessness
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth or unpleasant taste
  • Constipation
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea

If you have an allergic reaction to the medication, seek medical help immediately. The symptoms include swelling of the face and throat, difficulty breathing, hives, and itching.

There are also other serious side effects that require medical attention. See a clinician if you experience any of the following and inform them about using phentermine:

  • Severe hypertension or pounding heart
  • Severe shortness of breath
  • Tremors and prolonged insomnia
  • Swelling in legs and feet
  • Chest pain and lightheadedness

Contraindications and Precautions

Phentermine is not prescribed if there is a known allergy to it or hypersensitivity to sympathomimetic amines, to which this medication belongs. Other contraindications [6*] include but are not limited to:

  • History of cardiovascular issues
  • History of drug abuse
  • Glaucoma
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Pregnancy
  • Nursing

Phentermine can impair the ability to drive or operate machinery. Also, prolonged use increases the risks of tolerance and dependence, so it’s important to monitor their signs.

Phentermine should be used with caution in people with a history of mental health conditions, and its dosage should be adjusted for people who have problems with kidneys.

When it comes to interactions, phentermine should not be used together with other weight loss medications. There must also be a gap of at least 14 days between stopping MAOIs (a type of antidepressant medications) and starting phentermine. It can also interact with some antipsychotics, antidiabetic medicines, and even over-the-counter and herbal supplements, so it’s essential to discuss any medications you are taking beforehand.

Receive an individualized weight loss plan created in line with your health needs and goals.

Phentermine Alternatives

Although phentermine is commonly prescribed for weight loss, there is limited research on its effectiveness [7*] . Also, some patients may not take it because of contraindications. In this case, and if a healthcare provider deems it necessary to take an anti-obesity medication, alternatives may be considered.

The closest alternative to phentermine is phentermine/topiramate (brand name Qsymia). According to a meta-analysis [8*] , it has proven effective in weight reduction. Other common weight loss medications include Wegovy (semaglutide), Ozempic (semaglutide), Mounjaro (tirzepatide), and Saxenda (liraglutide). A healthcare provider can choose the most appropriate alternative after a detailed health assessment.

But is medication the only solution? If you may not be prescribed weight loss medication due to any reason, your clinician can help you craft a personalized weight loss plan based on non-pharmacological options. These may include optimized caloric intake, increased physical activity, behavioral training, and other elements chosen right for you.

Summing Up

Phentermine can be a helpful element in your weight loss plan. But you have to follow your clinician’s instructions while taking it, such as never increasing the prescribed dosage, discussing the best time to take it (for example, taking it in the morning can help avoid sleep problems), and promptly reporting serious side effects.

Also, note that phentermine should only be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise, which contribute to sustainable results. Healthcare providers at MEDvidi are here to assess your health status and choose a weight loss plan that will suit you best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Phentermine is a prescription weight loss medication used to suppress appetite. It belongs to the group of medications known as sympathomimetic amines that stimulate the central nervous system to lessen appetite and boost energy expenditure. To assist those who are overweight or obese in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, phentermine should be used in conjunction with a nutritious diet and regular exercise.

Phentermine stimulates the release of neurotransmitters in the brain, including norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. As a result, people have reduced appetite and feel more energized, which can help them consume fewer calories and burn more calories through physical activity. These effects can aid in weight loss.

You can get phentermine from an online doctor under the brand names Adipex-P and Lomaria. Adipex-P comes in tablet and capsule form while Lomaria is available as a tablet. In addition, there is a medication Qsymia—a mix of phentermine and topiramate prescribed to adults for long-term weight management.
Licensed healthcare providers at MEDvidi can prescribe phentermine online based on a detailed health assessment. You can get prescribed phentermine online only after having an appointment with a healthcare provider and only if this medication is deemed appropriate for you. Booking an appointment does not guarantee receiving a prescription as the final decision is at the discretion of your provider.

There is limited information about interactions between phentermine and Suboxone. However, since phentermine has the potential for misuse. Because of safety concerns, patients taking Suboxone must provide a letter from their clinician indicating that it is safe and appropriate for them to receive a prescription for phentermine at the same time. If you are currently taking or weaning off Suboxone, healthcare providers at MEDvidi can consider prescribing you phentermine only after obtaining the above-mentioned letter.


8 sources
  1. National Health Statistics Reports
    Source link
  2. Phentermine
    Source link
  3. Efficacy and Safety of Phentermine/Topiramate in Adults with Overweight or Obesity
    Source link
  4. Controlled Substances
    Source link
  5. Physiology, Body Mass Index
    Source link
  6. Adipex-p (phentermine hydrochloride) capsules
    Source link
  7. Phentermine in the Modern Era of Obesity Pharmacotherapy: Does It Still Have a Role in Treatment?
    Source link
  8. Efficacy and Safety of Phentermine/Topiramate in Adults with Overweight or Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Source link
Written by:
Rabia Khaliq
MSc in Applied Psychology
Dr. Linda May
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Written by:
Rabia Khaliq
MSc in Applied Psychology
Dr. Linda May


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