Online Medical Weight Loss Help and Medication Prescriptions*

Receive personalized weight loss recommendations and an online medication prescription.

Licensed weight loss specialists

GLP-1's and other weight loss medications as appropriate

Affordable appointments at a convenient time

No membership or hidden fees

**Obtaining an online prescription requires a consultation with a healthcare provider who determines if a medication is appropriate and necessary.
Weight Loss Medications Prescribed at MEDvidi*
Weight loss medications can bring significant results when used along with lifestyle changes, such as a balanced diet and exercise.

Weight Loss Calculator (BMI)

Your BMI Is:
A BMI of less than 18.5 indicates being underweight. It may be caused by malnutrition, an eating disorder, or another health issue.
People who have a BMI from 18.5 to 25 are considered to have a normal and healthy weight.
Earlier defined as “overweight”. A BMI in this range poses a risk of developing obesity.
People with a BMI of 30 to 34.9 are considered to have mild obesity (class I) and abnormal accumulation of fat that can pose various health risks.
A BMI of 35 to 39.9 indicates moderate obesity (class II), which is detrimental to one’s health and can lead to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and heart problems.
People with a BMI of 40 and higher are considered to have morbid or severe obesity (class III), which significantly increases the risk of developing obesity-related diseases.

How We Work

Sign up

Create an account, fill out basic information, and schedule an appointment.

See a weight loss specialist online

A medical professional will assess your physical and emotional state and create a customized weight loss plan. You may obtain an online prescription for weight loss medication if deemed appropriate  in your case.

Attend follow-ups

Follow recommendations, share your achievements and concerns with a healthcare provider, and get your weight loss plan adjusted as needed.

Manage Your Weight With Us

Introductory Consultation

Begin your weight loss journey with a comprehensive online health assessment. Receive a personalized treatment plan and get prescribed GLP-1 if appropriate.
Introductory + Follow-up Consultation Package
Save $99 with our package. Includes an initial assessment and a follow-up appointment to ensure steady progress and adjust your weight loss strategy as needed.
Follow-up Consultation
Maintain your progress with regular check-ins with your provider. Track your weight loss goals and adjust your treatment plan for continued success.

Benefits of Medical Weight Loss Programs at MEDvidi

See online weight loss specialists who have experience in this area and can prescribe weight loss medications when necessary.
Medical weight loss plans at MEDvidi are tailored to your goals, lifestyle, and health needs
Regular follow-ups can help medical practitioners spot and manage any concerns related to weight loss prescription medication.
In addition to prescribing weight loss medicine, our telehealth team can consult you on better nutrition, exercise, and stress management contributing to improved well-being.
At MEDvidi, you get ongoing professional support. We track your results and can adjust the weight loss plan when needed.

Our Medical Team Is Here to Help You Feel Better

Advantages of Online Prescriptions

No long lines or waiting hours. Everything is done from the comfort of your home.

Fewer errors in medication names and dosages

Easily accessible
prescription history

Shorter wait times

No need to visit a clinic every month

Smooth workflow, as online prescriptions may be delivered directly to pharmacies

Hear from what thousands of patients say

Hear from our satisfied patients for their insights

What Is Online Medical Weight Loss Management?

Online medical weight loss services involve comprehensive guidance for people trying to lose weight. You can achieve your weight loss goals and have ongoing supervision and support via video consultations.

Start With a Weight Loss Assessment

You will be asked to fill out a weight loss assessment form. It covers your weight loss goals, preferences, and experience.
You will be asked about allergies, medicines and supplements you take, and the details of your weight loss history. If medications are considered, you’ll also be informed about contraindications and possible side effects.
You might be recommended to take extra tests to understand if there are physical issues related to weight fluctuations (such as thyroid disorder, cardiovascular disease, kidney problems, and some other conditions).
Body mass index calculation is one of the standard steps. BMI is determined based on your height and weight. It helps measure overweight and analyze the risk for weight-related conditions.
You will be asked about your diet, routines, and habits to help the doctor develop a weight loss plan for you. Whether you get weight loss medication prescribed or not, a healthy diet and physical activity are recommended.

Stress, insomnia, and depression may cause weight gain and should be treated along with the weight loss process. Eating disorders must be ruled out too, as they require different treatments.

Weight Loss Prescription Medications

Sometimes, a strong will and a healthy lifestyle are not enough for weight loss. 

You can get prescribed weight loss pills online* at MEDvidi if you meet the following standard criteria:

  • Your BMI is 30 or higher.
  • Your BMI is 27 or higher and is accompanied by weight-related problems or chronic health conditions, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or type 2 diabetes.

Not all people can use weight loss tablets. You may be recommended other options based on a detailed review of your health history and goals.

See a medical provider online to learn whether you are eligible for weight loss medication.

Weight loss medications can lead to a 10% reduction in initial body weight

(when used with a healthy diet and exercise)

The total body weight loss


5.9% (3 months) and 10.9% (6 months)


5-15% body weight loss (over 68 weeks)


15% to 20.9%, depending on the dosage

Only about 20% of Americans who lose weight can keep it. That is why in our weight loss programs, we focus on your health and the new skills needed to maintain the results long-term.

All-in-one Personal Portal

How Do Prescription Weight Loss Medications Work?

Medications for weight loss belong to different drug classes and have different mechanisms of action, such as:
  • Lowering hunger, which helps to consume fewer calories.
  • Boosting metabolism, which may result in a faster rate of calorie burning.
  • Preventing the body from absorbing dietary lipids, which lowers calorie intake.

The Use of GLP-1 Agonists for Weight Loss

Some medications for type 2 diabetes appeared to be effective for weight loss. One such category is glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists:

  • Ozempic
  • Wegovy
  • Rybelsus
  • Mounjaro
  • Saxenda
  • Metformin

These and other medications in this class help regulate appetite and glucose metabolism, improve metabolism, decrease the time needed for stomach emptying, and more. Some GLP-1 medications are FDA-approved as a part of weight management plans, and others may be prescribed off-label. Note that all of them have specific contraindications and potential side effects, so the choice is made after a detailed health assessment.

See a healthcare provider online to learn what medication may help you best.

Ready to Achieve Your Weight Goal?

Everything is possible if you have expert support from a qualified medical professional. We ensure a personalized approach to the weight loss journey for each and every client.

Tips like eating less and exercising more may not be enough

At MEDvidi, we focus on an integrative approach to weight loss management. We aim to help you achieve your ideal weight and maintain the results.
*In some states, weight loss prescription medications cannot be prescribed online but require an in-person visit. Consult with your healthcare provider or the MEDvidi Care Team to learn more.

Useful Materials

Obesity is a complex problem, covering the physical and emotional state. Learn more about beneficial habits and routines and available weight loss strategies in our blog publications.
If your weight loss plan was created by a qualified medical professional who assessed your symptoms, health history, and preferences, it should be safe. Still, weight loss pills may cause side effects in any patient. You should precisely stick to the recommendations set by your doctor to avoid or reduce such adverse effects and always discuss your concerns with a clinician to get timely help. Neither make your diet stricter without approval nor increase your activity level suddenly to prevent the development of eating disorders or physical issues.

Sudden weight loss can be a consequence of physical ailments. To identify the most probable cause, these tests can be recommended:

  • A complete blood count
  • Thyroid panel
  • Kidney and liver function tests
  • Electrolyte panel
  • Inflammation tests
  • Blood sugar test

Weight fluctuations can also be caused by mental health problems. At MEDvidi, you can be assessed for depression, anxiety, stress, and other conditions.

You can calculate your normal weight using one of the most common weight loss diagnostic tests—BMI calculation (body mass index). Normally, a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered healthy. Nevertheless, normal weight should be determined individually, considering not just one’s height but also several other factors, including age, fat and muscle mass in the body, and health specifics.

For adults, a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered to indicate a normal or healthy weight. A BMI of less than 18.5 means underweight, while a BMI of 25.0 to 29.9 means overweight. A BMI of 30.0 and higher is in the obese range.

Online weight loss doctors can offer guidance based on a detailed health assessment. You can also receive medication prescriptions online if deemed appropriate in your case. Note that weight loss medication should be supplemented with a balanced diet, exercise, and other beneficial routines and activities to increase the chances for stable results.

Weight loss programs at MEDvidi are offered through telemedicine and are based on the medical knowledge of our healthcare team. Our weight management plans include online assessments, prescription management, and continual monitoring. Success in weight loss, however, is dependent on each person’s unique circumstances, health features, and willingness to make long-term lifestyle changes.
People may gain weight again for different reasons. Some may resume their unhealthy habits, others experience side effects or ineffective weight loss management approaches. A balanced diet and exercising regularly are necessary for long-term weight loss and maintaining results. However, it’s important to keep in touch with your clinician to monitor your dynamics and adjust the plan as needed.
MEDvidi doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all program—we create weight loss plans for each client individually. Anyone who wants to receive weight loss help online can use our services by simply signing up on the platform and scheduling an online video appointment.

The 30-30-30 rule is a new trend related to morning routines. According to it, a person should have 30g of protein for breakfast not later than 30 minutes after waking up and then have 30 minutes of low-intensity physical activity.

A breakfast rich in protein can help regulate blood sugar during the day and contribute to healthier food choices. However, note that 30-30-30 is only one element of a healthy lifestyle and it may not be suitable for everyone. If you want to receive professional health for weight loss and personalized recommendations, contact MEDvidi today to have a weight loss appointment online.

Medical providers who are qualified to prescribe Schedule IV substances can prescribe phentermine for obesity treatment online. Contact MEDvidi to get connected with a clinician who can choose a suitable treatment and prescribe phentermine or another medication if necessary.
Mounjaro can be prescribed through telehealth services if the prescription is provided by a healthcare professional. MEDvidi medical team can prescribe Mounjaro online.
The effectiveness of over-the-counter diet pills can vary from one person to another. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss supplement to make sure you avoid serious interactions or side effects. You can also discuss taking prescription weight loss medicine online.
Physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants can prescribe medication for weight loss. They will assess your medical history, current medications, and overall health before prescribing any weight loss medicine.
You can see a registered dietitian, nutritionist, or healthcare professional with expertise in online weight management. It may also be helpful to consult with your primary care physician to assess any underlying health concerns. Note that a holistic approach, considering both physical and mental aspects, is crucial for sustainable weight loss, so counseling or talk therapy may be a part of your weight management plan.

Currently, MEDvidi doesn’t accept insurance. We work on collaborating with insurance providers and we’ll notify our patients once this option becomes available. Feel free to contact our Care Team at (504) 414-5095 or for more information.

Weight loss medications have different mechanisms of action, side effects, and other factors and must be chosen individually. The same medication can work differently for different patients. Your doctor will examine your health history and the medication’s contraindications and interactions before prescribing you weight loss meds.
To receive a weight loss prescription* one has to be diagnosed with obesity or as overweight by a certified healthcare provider. Having a BMI higher than 30 (or higher than 27 and having related conditions) is a common requirement. The choice of weight loss interventions is also based on the evaluation of your health history.
Whether weight loss medications are the best way to lose weight depends on various factors, including your overall health and medical history. Weight loss medications can be effective for some individuals, but they are not suitable or necessary for everyone.
A number of factors, including your weight, adherence to the recommended regimen, and personal response to the medicine, might affect how long it takes to lose weight with weight-loss medication. It’s critical to maintain reasonable expectations and recognize that losing weight is a gradual process.
The period of taking weight loss meds depends on a particular medication. While some weight loss drugs are meant to be taken temporarily, others can be taken for extended periods. Your progress, current health, and any potential side effects will all be taken into account when determining the right duration of treatment.
Consult your healthcare provider to ascertain whether weight-loss medication is the best option for you. Your medical history, present health condition, weight loss objectives, and the potential dangers and advantages of the medicine will all be considered. They might take into account things like BMI, obesity-related health issues, and prior weight loss attempts.
To buy weight loss pills online, you need to have a valid prescription from a healthcare provider. Put your safety first and confirm that the medicines you buy are legal and the pharmacy is authorized to sell them. Steer clear of buying diet medications from unreliable websites or without a prescription.
Take the first step today: book an appointment to get your symptoms assessed and obtain a prescription online.