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Sleep Hygiene: Sleep Better by Using Simple Tips

Sleep hygiene
Written by:
Rabia Khaliq
MSc in Applied Psychology
Dr. William Grigg


Sleep is one of the main elements that establish good health and well-being. Insomnia, stress, sleep apnea, anxiety, depression as well as many other health conditions and habits, can disrupt sleep patterns to the point where a person’s physical and mental health deteriorates. Still, one can prevent such outcomes by utilizing sleep hygiene.

Understanding sleep hygiene and how it impacts your life is important. It will help establish guidelines that will lay the foundation for a healthier lifestyle. By creating a stable night routine, you can eliminate poor sleep habits and get a good night’s rest.

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What is Sleep Hygiene?

Good sleep hygiene involves having a stable night routine and a bedroom environment that is conducive to uninterrupted, peaceful sleep. It can involve making positive lifestyle changes that allow for fewer distractions. Creating a calm and peaceful sleep environment may mean removing all electronics from the bedroom area and making sure that the bed is as comfortable as possible.

It’s important to know what you need to sleep comfortably. Adding an extra pillow or two and a weighted blanket may be just what is needed for maximum comfort and feelings of security. So, explore your preferences and their impact on your sleep, create a sleep hygiene checklist, and adapt the bedroom accordingly. No two people will have the same checklist, so it’s important to know what will be helpful right for you.

Why Good Sleep Hygiene is Important

Maintaining a solid night routine that promotes good sleep patterns will allow a person to live a healthier, more active lifestyle.

During the different stages of sleep, the body is allowed to rest. It’s during this time of calm and relaxation that the body begins to heal and rejuvenate itself. The immune system goes to work to eliminate unwanted predators and rid the body of waste and contaminants that can prevent it from thriving as it should.

Good sleep hygiene will also help determine whether or not a person is getting the quality sleep they need. An active, healthy person may need as much as eight to ten hours of sleep each night to feel and perform their best. A sleep assessment is often the best way for a person to find out how much sleep they actually need.

Consult a mental health professional to get helpful recommendations on improving your sleep.

How to Fix a Sleep Schedule

In order to fix a sleep schedule, a person will need to take a close look at both their bedroom environment as well as their night routine and sleep patterns. This can be a gradual process, but it should only take a few days to evaluate and adjust. Identify any type of distraction that may be encountered and eliminate them systematically.

It’s also a good idea to establish boundaries when it comes to bedtime and what is allowed. Letting others know what is acceptable after a certain time is important.

How to fix sleep schedule

A Few Examples of Good Sleep Habits

There are several good sleep hygiene habits that can be formed. They include:

  • Establishing a specific bedtime.
  • Setting an hour aside before bedtime to relax and decompress from the day’s events.
  • Removing all electronics from the bedroom.
  • Buying a conventional alarm clock.
  • Establishing a stable night routine and sticking to it.

Talking to a medical or mental health doctor may give a person more insight into what they can do to create a healthier night routine. It is essential to learn how to live a healthier lifestyle.

Discuss your symptoms and get a personalized treatment for insomnia at MEDvidi.

In Conclusion

Overcoming poor sleep hygiene isn’t difficult. It will require a commitment to do what you need to get the best possible night’s sleep. Writing things down in a journal will help you to determine what makes you sleep easier and what makes it more difficult. In order to change your sleep habits, you must practice better lifestyle habits at all times. This means making positive changes during the day, as well as during sleep time. Once you begin to adjust these patterns, sleep will come much easier and will be more restful.

Learning how to fall asleep fast and maintaining that sleep is a necessary part of good health. There are many techniques that can be utilized to improve your sleep patterns. The positive effects of quality sleep go far beyond good health. They elevate mood and allow for better concentration and focus. Taking a sleep therapy course or asking for advice from your doctor will help improve sleep patterns and lay the foundation for a better quality of life.

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Written by:
Rabia Khaliq
MSc in Applied Psychology
Dr. William Grigg


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