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8 Tips for Improving Low Self-esteem Caused by Depression

8 Tips for Improving Low Self-esteem Caused by Depression
Written by:
Rabia Khaliq
MSc in Applied Psychology
Umar Javed


Living with low self-esteem can have an impact on many aspects of your life, including relationships and job decisions. It could also encourage a cycle of low mood and negative self-talk, which might exacerbate depressive symptoms. Research from 2019 indicates that depressive symptoms may be more common in those with low self-esteem and a negative perspective of themselves.

Depression and low self-esteem are two sides of the same coin. While depression can utterly destroy self-esteem, low self-worth makes people more susceptible to mental conditions. However, even if you are depressed, you can take steps to raise your self-esteem.

This article will discuss tips for gaining self-confidence and boosting self-esteem. Keep reading to get insight!

You shouldn’t let depression lower your self-esteem. Come out of the darkness of depression with help.

How is Low Self-Esteem Defined

Everyone occasionally questions their identity and accomplishments or thinks poorly of themselves. You can say or do anything that temporarily causes you to feel ashamed of or frustrated with yourself. However, these transient or recurrent emotions are not the same as poor self-esteem.

Low self-esteem is characterized by long-term pessimism about who you are and how you present yourself to the world. These unfavorable emotions may endure and be challenging to overcome. You might not believe someone if they commend you, for instance. You might decide to give yourself credit only if you succeed in a goal.

Typical Causes of Low Self-Esteem

Having a low sense of self-worth may result from early events. A person may develop unfavorable basic ideas about themselves if they were ignored or abused, struggled to live up to their parent’s expectations, or didn’t fit in at school. These are deeply rooted notions that an individual has of themselves.

Teenagers, especially young girls, may encounter harmful ideas and ideals in the media as a whole as well as on social media. Those ideas can make them believe that their value is determined by how they act or look. Low self-esteem and negative self-worth beliefs could result from this. Bullying, poor academic performance, an unsatisfactory relationship, a personal loss, or a serious disease can also bring on low self-esteem.

8 Tips for Improving Low Self-esteem Caused by Depression

Signs of Low Self-esteem

People with low self-esteem typically exhibit the following traits:

  • Interacting internally with themselves in a critical manner (negative self-talk).
  • Negatively comparing themselves with others.
  • Disregarding their successes or refusing to accept responsibility for them.
  • Self-blaming for events outside of their control.
  • Refusing to accept or believe praises.
  • Avoiding goals or challenges.
  • Believing that they don’t deserve joy, love, or pleasure.
  • Not able to take criticism well.
  • Feeling ashamed and unworthy.
  • Putting too much emphasis on physical traits like height and weight.

It is possible to boost low self-esteem and self-confidence with the help of a mental health professional.

What Is the Connection Between Depression and Self-esteem?

Depression is a severe mood disorder that causes its victims to feel down, depressed, and numb for weeks at a time. Whether we believe we deserve good things or not, our fundamental self-esteem is connected to our sense of self-worth.

It’s challenging to feel good about yourself and your life when you feel unworthy. And feelings of worthlessness are one of the clinical symptoms of depression. These emotions of worthlessness are frequently linked to traumatic and painful childhood events, which can also cause depression.

How to Improve Self-esteem?

Low self-esteem has the potential to become embedded in your personality. However, taking care of yourself may raise your self-esteem and lessen its impact on your day-to-day activities. You can try the following tips:

1. Recite positive affirmations every day

Repeating positive statements to yourself or writing them down in a notebook regularly can help you have a more optimistic outlook on the world. While affirmations are not a replacement for counseling or other forms of professional assistance when someone is depressed or anxious, individuals who vouch for the efficacy of positive language do show higher self-esteem and better mental health.

2. Use stress management methods

Stress has the potential to make depression worse and reduce self-esteem. However, you can learn techniques to control your stress before it becomes an issue. Try the suggestions below.

  • Maintain a positive outlook on life
  • Sleep well for at least 6-7 hours every day
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation to calm unpleasant thoughts
  • Exercise, do yoga, or choose any other physical activity
  • Participate in entertaining and fun activities
  • Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself
8 Tips for Improving Low Self-esteem Caused by Depression

3. Recognize your accomplishments

The strongest motivation occurs when you congratulate (and reward) yourself for a job well done. Taking stock of your accomplishments helps you stay motivated, acts as positive reinforcement, and enhances your quality of life in general. Positive reinforcement is an excellent psychological strategy to improve your self-esteem.

4. Be assertive

Being assertive lies squarely between being passive and being aggressive. Assertiveness will enable you to communicate your requirements while respecting others, increasing your chances of obtaining the desired outcomes. Although it takes experience and patience, this skill might make you feel better about yourself too.

5. Practice journaling

Finding a healthy way to express yourself is one way to deal with overwhelming emotions. As a result, keeping a journal can be useful for maintaining your mental health. It can help you figure out what’s making you anxious or stressed and develop a better strategy to address the issues and lessen your worries. The journal can also serve as a list of all of your accomplishments.

6. Receive and hold praise

A fundamental talent is being able to notice and praise both oneself and others. We need to improve at doing it. The exchange of praises is essential for establishing and preserving relationships and enhancing one’s self-esteem. One of the most effective methods to express our value and appreciation for someone is to complement them.

7. Self-care

The act of self-care not only includes personal hygiene but also entails evaluating your existing connections. While there is nothing you can do to change the past, you may choose to change or end unhealthy relationships that are currently taking place or work on removing other stressors. This might occasionally need the assistance of friends or mental health specialists, but in the long run, all those efforts will help you overcome low self-esteem.

8. Make sure your body language conveys assurance

Your tone of voice, posture, gestures, and facial expressions are all effective communication tools. To improve your self-esteem, it’s important for you to be able to communicate effectively in both personal and professional settings since nonverbal clues, often known as “body language,” are often more effective than words.

After That

Low self-esteem and lack of confidence can impact people’s feelings about themselves and their talents. And depression may make things worse. It may be helpful to alter how people view them and treat depressive symptoms.

It is normal to seek professional assistance if you have trouble managing your low self-esteem. Professionals at the MEDvidi are always available to assist you, no matter what the situation. Reach out to our professionals right away.

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Written by:
Rabia Khaliq
MSc in Applied Psychology
Umar Javed


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